Getting Started With Your Site


This guide covers updates to content on the site using the Magento and WordPress Admin.

WordPress Admin Logins

The majority of the rich content on the site is managed through the WordPress integration with Magento.


To keep your WordPress admin secure it is best to:


      Keep your login in a password manager like LastPass.

      Do not let the browser save your login details

      Do not email your passwords or allow 3rd parties to use your credentials


For increased security:

      When your Magento Password needs updating, update your WordPress password too




To avoid impacting page speed negatively when uploading images please make sure they are a suitable size i.e. for a thumbnail image which will render at 40px by 60px don’t upload a 2000px by 3000px image. Also use an image optimisation tool such as to reduce the file size while maintaining quality.

Homepage Management

You can manage most of the Homepage content within the WordPress admin, under the Homepage link.

Main Slider, Category Images, Promotion strip and Brand Logos

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Main Slider


The first tab on this page allows you to manage what content is output on the slides at the top of the homepage.


You can change the heading, text, link and background image. Only the heading and image are required and we recommend that the image is slightly larger than 1248 by 700 to allow it to be cropped down to that size.


Category Images

The categories next to and under the slider are your top level categories from the sites navigation, these are dynamically generated and can only change by adjusting the top level categories of your site. It is also limited to only output a maximum of 6 categories.


You can edit the images that are the background for the category blocks, this is managed under the second tab on the WordPress admin Homepage page.


The image size will vary depending on whether it is next to the slider or underneath. It would be best to upload an image slightly larger than 658 x 370, but be aware that it will be cropped to 444 x 333 if it is underneath the slider.


Promotional Strip


The third tab allows you to modify the promotion strip (currently used for location details) under the featured tents section.


You can change the images, heading, text and link to whatever you would like. The images should be just bigger than 1024 by 682 so they can be cropped down to the right size


Brand Logos


The brand logos are just below the tabs and you can upload different brand logos here that you want to display below the recent blog posts section. The images should be slightly bigger than 150 x 68.

Featured Tents


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This section is managed within the Magento Admin, and in order to change what products display here you will need to:

  1. Navigate to: Catalog > Categories
  2. Within the category tree go to: Default Category > Tents > Featured Tents
  3. Within this category add and remove tents you want to display (the maximum number that will be shown on the frontend is 3)
  4. All the data which is pulled through is from the product so it is worth making sure that any products you add here have a youtube video otherwise a placeholder will display.



Category Page Promotion Management

The majority of the category page content is managed in Magento as covered in the Catalog Management section of the M2 Training doc. There are two promotional sections on the category pages which are managed under the promotions section of WordPress


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Category Sidebar


Within this page you can modify the promotional blocks found in the sidebar on all category pages under the filters. You can modify the title, link, text and image. If no image is supplied it will default to the green gradient as a background. For the image size aim for 768px x 768px.




On this page you can modify the headings/text for the USPs at the top of the category page (this is also output on the homepage over the slider)


If you want to change the icon check with me what icons are available and I can let you know what you need to change the Icon Name to.


Blog Content

Camp Life, Attwoolls TV and Events are the three sections where your blog content will be created. These are known as Post Types and they are setup in a similar way. Currently your blog import csv was imported into Camp Life which is the default WordPress blog post type.

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To create a new post, click on the post type you want to post under and click ‘Add New’.


You will then have a new page in the admin with various content sections to add.

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Main Content


  1. An image is required, this will be the thumbnail on any blog category listing pages and also the feature image on the actual blog post. This image should be slightly larger than 1024px by 768px so it can be cropped to that size.
  2. The Intro field will show as the excerpt on category listing pages and slightly as the green bold text on the post page
  3. If you would like the thumbnail/feature image to be clickable with a youtube video popup and in the embed URL from youtube into the Video URL field
  4. The rest of the posts content goes into the Content Field


Related Posts


You can select up to a maximum of 3 related posts to display at the bottom of a post


Related Products


You can add in a maximum of 4 related products to display in the sidebar on a post page. You create the relation between the post and product by adding in the Products ID which can be found in the product grid within the Magento admin. The Product Name field is just for reference so you can quickly identify which products have been assigned to the post.



Categories are a way of grouping posts and a post can be assigned to multiple categories.




There are several pages which we’ve used WordPress to manage they are the following:

  1. Meet The Family
  2. Superstore
  3. Coffee Shop
  4. Tent Repair


The content on these pages can be modified for each by clicking on the link in the side navigation in WordPress admin.


The individual family members section on the Meet the Family page is managed in a separate section called ‘Authors’ which can be accessed from the side navigation too. You can add in new ‘authors’ as required.


There are various images and image sizes uploaded in these sections, which are cropped to size so aim to upload images slightly bigger than these crops:

  1. Main Image 1248x700
  2. Timeline Image 555 x 312
  3. Content & Galley Images 555 x 416
  4. Author Images 90x 90




There are two forms on the site at the moment:

      Contact Form

      Stock Enquiry Form


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Once the site is live any submissions through these forms will be emailed to you, but you can also access the submissions through the WordPress Admin:

  1. Click on Forms > Entries
  2. You can select the form you want to view entries from by clicking on the arrow to the left of the orange ID block
  3. You’ll see a grid view of all the entries and you can view more of an entry by hovering over it and clicking view



Category Landing Pages


To set up a category landing page:

  1. Log into the Magento admin and go to Catalog > Categories
  2. Select the Category you want to turn into a landing page.
  3. Open up the Display Settings tab
  4. Change the Display Mode dropdown to ‘Category Landing Page’
  5. Set Anchor to ‘No’.
  6. Save the category.
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This will then change that category page into a category landing page. You can update the content on the following sections:

Hero Banner Section


To update the Hero Banner:

  1. Banner Image: Upload an Image in the Content -> Category Banner Image field. Recommended image size 2160px width.
  2. Category Title: Can be changed in the Category Name field
  3. Category Short Description: Can be updated in the Category Short Description field
  4. Category Description: Can be updated in the Description field
  5. Save the category.


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Category Accordion


The category accordion is generated from the children and grandchildren categories of the category you have made into a ‘Category Landing Page’, you can add/remove subcategories in the category nav.

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Featured Category Widget

CMS Block & Widget

To setup the Featured Category Widget you will need to:

  1. In the admin Navigate to Content > Blocks
  2. Click the orange Add New Block.
  3. Add the Block Title and Identifier, the identifier needs to be lowercase and no spaces i.e. use underscores.
  4. Click on the insert Widget IconImage Placeholder
  5. A slide out modal will appear and you need to select Widget Type ‘Featured Categories’Image Placeholder
  6. You’ll then need to select the 6 category that you want to show in the featured categories block. Click Select Category... and then pick the category from the category tree that appears. Once you’ve selected them all click Insert Widget
  7. Make a note of the Block Title and then click Save Block.
  8. Navigate back to Catalog > Categories and select your landing page category
  9. Scroll down to Content tab and from the Add CMS Block dropdown select the static block you just created.
  10. Save the category.


Featured Category Images

You will need to upload the images for each featured category you selected in the widget above. To do this:

  1. Navigate to: Catalog > Categories
  2. Within the category tree select the featured category you want to upload an image for
  3. Scroll down to Featured Category Content tab
  4. Upload an image to the Featured Tile Background field
  5. Save the category.


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Product Slider

To add products to the product slider, simply assign products to the category like you would for a normal category. By default the title will be ‘Top selling items’, however if you want a custom title you can enter it in the Content tab and update the Product Slider Title field


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Key Items in Category Landing Page Settings

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