To help protect your site from hackers we ask all our clients to activate Two Factor Authentication for their Magento login. If you’re not familiar with this, it means that as well as inputting your password when you login you need to input a randomly generated token from an App on your phone, much like some online banking systems.

We use a password manager Last Pass and they offer their own authenticator app Lastpass Authenticator to generate tokens. There are advantages of using the same provider.

Other suitable apps are listed below. We suggest you install one before starting the process which should take no more than 5 mins to complete.

For Android devices, the AuthyGoogle AuthenticatorFreeOTP Authenticator, or Toopher apps are the most popular token generators.

For iOS devices, the AuthyGoogle AuthenticatorFreeOTP Authenticator, or Toopher apps are the most popular token generators.


Please login as normal and continue through the setup wizard as this will explain how to set this up. 

If you need additional instructions prior to starting you can review the Magento specific documentation.

Please get in touch if you have problems during the set up and can you let us know when you have activate this.